Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Healthy Eating for Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease or CAD is one of the leading killers all over the world. In spite of advanced medical treatment, you fail to eliminate the harassment of coronary artery disease. Building up plaque inside the artery started with excessive fat intake when you were a teenager. As time goes, abnormal lipid level causes you to develop coronary artery disease. It's been observed a powerful influence of eating habits in developing coronary artery disease. So, its very clear, you can eliminate the harassment of coronary artery disease by doing some modifications to your diet.
When it comes to healthy eating for coronary artery disease there are variety of low cholesterol foods to choose from. To stop the disease progression, you should add more vegetables and fruits to your dish daily. Switch to saturated fat to mono-saturated fat and omega 3-fatty acids that chiefly found in fish. You can try some delicious dishes heavily stuffed with following recommendations. Healthy eating for CAD can contain;
  • Fruits and vegetables: add at-least 5 varieties of fruits and vegetable serving daily.
  • Avoid red meat: avoid pork, mutton and beef and add soy products and legumes more.
  • Oils: use canola and olive oil that contain mono-saturated fat.
  • Avoid fatty foods:avoid fatty foods that contain unhealthy saturated fat and poly unsaturated fat like butter, margarine, red meats/fatty meats and dairy products contain 2% of whole milk.
  • Add garlic:add a garlic clove daily to your diet can help in regulating your cholesterol level.see the garlic benefits.
  • Nuts: select nuts which are rich in mono saturated fats and omega 3-fatty acids. Reduce peanuts and pine nuts instead add more almonds, cashews and walnuts.
So, following these recommendations for healthy eating can help you to alleviate coronary artery disease. 

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